Here's some comic relief to lighten up admist fears and panic of swine flu :
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If you receive an email from the Department of Health telling you not to eat tinned pork because of swine flu -
Ignore it!
It's just spam.
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True or false?
Fact : you can't get swine flu by eating pork that is well cooked.
However, you may not want to get too close to pig farms.
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Whinning about tiger swine? Pork chops or carnivore cubs?* * *
The day pigs flew : an uncanny prediction > swine flu
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Warning :
There are so many claims about swine flu on the internet these days. People can make a potential pandemic worse by spreading misinformation and panic. Please do not assume that everything you read is truthful - emails, on unofficial websites, or via social networking sites. Some are just meant for humor, others are plain mischief.